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강릉 경포대 충혼탑 (Gangneung Memorial Tower)



강릉 충혼탑(Gangneung Memorial Tower)

현재 우리가 살고 있는 대한민국은 국권회복을 위해 일제에 항거하다 
돌아가신 순국 선열들과 자유민주주의를 수호하기 위하여 신명을 바친
호국영령들의 숭고한 희생정신과 애국정신의 바탕 위에서 이룩되었습니다.

국난극복의 과정에서 자기를 버리고 국가와 민족이라는 대의를 취한
선열들의 위국헌신 정신이야 말로 우리가 가꾸고 발전시켜야 할
소중한 정신적 유산입니다.

이곳은 6·25전쟁 중 산화한 강릉 출신 군인 · 경찰들의 넋을
추모하기 위하여 1969년 강릉 시민의 뜻을 모아 건립한 충혼탑으로,
경건한 마음으로 참배하고, 다시 한번 그분들의 숭고한
애국 정신을 기리고 진정한 나라 사랑의 마음을 되새겨 봅시다.



The Republic of Korea where we live at this time was built on the foundation of noble sacrifices and patriotism of the fallen patriots who laid down their lives to defend their country's national sovereignty and liberal democracy.

Their patriotic devotion they showed for their great country by sacrificing themselves during national crises is a
valuable memory for us to inherit and cherish.

This tower was built in 1969 with the best wishes of Gangneung citizens to honor the souls of Gangneung s patriotic soldiers and policemen who died glorious fighting for their country during the Korean War. While worshipping with reverence and meditaing on their noble patriotism, think about what it is like to have a true love for your country.


